
Heal Your Neck Issues and Let Your Throat Chakra Shine The Spiritual Guide to Moving Forward Pain-Free Paperback March 2, 2021 by Cheryl Stelte


[234 pages]

PUB: March 02, 2021

$17.95 $11.98

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Tired of neck pain and throat chakra issues?

Have you tried everything you can think of to end your neck pain once and for all? Are you becoming more and more aware of your throat chakra issues, but whatever you try to do to change, things never seem to last? And on top of it all, do you feel stuck in life, unable to move forward the way you really want? Now is the time to heal your neck pain and throat chakra issues so that you can become the person you truly are.

With a combination of spiritual practices pulled from various modalities and paths, Heal Your Neck Issues and Let Your Throat Chakra Shine is designed for people who want to make some serious changes and are ready to commit to themselves and move forward. Let spiritual leader Cheryl Stelte help you to safely and effectively:


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