
Meditate: A Guided Journal to Cultivate Peace and Presence Hardcover – 2020 by Martin Hart , Skye Alexander


[112 pages]

PUB:December 29, 2020

$9.99 $5.95

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Rewire your brain for happiness, to bolster your immune system against illness, or release anxiety. Meditate offers meditations that can be used to improve your emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Find unique meditations for just about everything, including:

  • Relieve Computer-Related Tension
  • Breathe Deeply to Lower Your Blood Pressure
  • Quiet the Voice of Fear
  • Rejuvenate Your Skin
  • Release Performance Anxiety
  • Silence Judgement to Reduce Relationship Stress

Each meditation is accompanied by lined pages where you can record how you experienced it. Write down or sketch your sensual experiences–sights, sounds, tactile sensations, tastes, scents–along with what emotions you felt. This helps bring unconscious information to your conscious mind, and eventually into your conscious experience. Expert tips and meditation facts are included throughout.

If you’ve always wanted to try meditation but have worried that it would take too much time or be too hard, this beautifully designed journal is just the tool to get you meditating and experiencing its benefits quickly and easily.

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