
Japan’s Ultra-Right (Japanese Society Series) PAPERBACK 2021 BY Teresa Castelvetere


[310 PAGES]

PUB: February 25, 2021

$39.95 $29.95

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This book is a comprehensive account of the nativist movement in Japan today. Naoto Higuchi uses the life histories of activists to establish that the basis of their support for the movement is their conservativism rather than social or economic stress. He reveals the logic behind the emergence of the nativist movement by highlighting its links with developments in the existing right wing and Japan’s conservative powers. A common interest in historical revisionism and conflict with neighboring countries provides a further logic that underpins the nativist movement’s particular focus on “special privileges” for permanent Koreans resident in Japan. The book examines the role of the internet in the recruitment of nativist activists and in lending a veil of historical “truth” to the falsehoods concerning these special privileges. Finally, Higuchi considers the issue of voting rights for foreign residents in the context of East Asian geopolitics and increasing securitization, and warns about the dangers of not resisting securitization.

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